Types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

September 25, 2017
Remember, one of the most important key to being a smart client makes an informed decision. Three SEO types are black hat, white hat and gray hat. Techie Group Inc. is a Web Development company that can best help your online business.

Types of Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Black Hat SEO : is a type of SEO services that try to trick the search engine and manipulate the ranking of the site. These are often are not complying with the rules of the search engines. It uses keywords not related to have more traffic to the website and others spam to get more popularity of the site. An advantage of this method is that you can easily get at the top of the search engines, but can be risky, because if they discovered the spam, the site will be banned from the list. This also disappoints visitors due to lack of relevance of the keyword they are looking for in the search engines.

White Hat SEO : is the opposite of black hat, since it is based on the quality of content and using keywords that are relevant to achieving the first rank in search engines. This is known as an effective marketing method to bring people to the site. However, the results can be visible after some time in this method, unlike the black hat. It may take some time before we see great results, but what is said to be the best strategy to boost web SEO search engine. Visitors will be delighted with the quality that makes this technique.

Grey Hat SEO : is the combination of both black and white and may use questionable methods, following the guidelines of search engines. This can produce quick results as the black hat method, but is also risky.

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15 July 2019 at 21:53 delete


we provide affordable and result-oriented SEO services, please give a chance to serve you.

Admin: E07.net
